White Sage
Salvia apiana

Aromatic Note: Base note
One of some 900+ diverse Salvia species; most all of which are aromatic evergreen shrubs that favor dry, sunny, hot climates.
The plant has whitish-gray leaves and produces beautiful blue flowers.
White sage is traditionally used by native Southwestern North American tribes for use during sweat lodge ceremonies. Also used for incense but less so than desert and other sages, which are more commonly found growing across North America.
Today, white sage is widely used in incense smudges. It’s often used to cleanse a space of negative energy which then is followed by the burning of sweet grass to provide positive energies to the space.
Threatened Species Alert: Listed as “To Watch” by United Plant Savers.
Family: Lamiaceae
Synonyms: Doh-loo-na
Origin: coastal regions of southern California, USA
Parts Used: dried leaves
Aroma Description: strong, fresh, herbaceous
Cosmetic Uses: none known
Culinary Uses: used to make sage tea
Medicinal Attributes: cooling herb used to treat wounds, burns, and rheumatism
Essential Oil: none known
Mixes Well With: burgundy pitch, cedar, copal-gold, hyssop, juniper, lavender, mugwort, pine, rosemary, sage-desert, sweetgrass, thyme, etc.
Products & Learning
White Sage
from Mountain Rose Herbs
Essential Oils
from Amrita Aromatherapy
White Sage Smudge Sticks
from Amazon.com
Learn Aromatherapy
from JennScents Aromaversity