Burgundy Pitch
Pini burgundica, Picea alba
Aromatic Note: Base note
From the Spruce pine tree comes a beautiful burgundy resin.
Spruce Resin is a tree resin that has been used for centuries in incense and aromatics. It is also known as burgundy pitch due to its color.
The use of spruce resin can be seen as far back as medieval times, where it was used to make spruce gum and spruce beer which was then sold at fairs and festivals.
The oldest example of its use as incense dates back to 1700 BC where it was found in an Egyptian tomb.
With the rise of synthetic aromatics, spruce resin fell out of use but recently interest in natural alternatives has led to an increased demand for this aromatic substance.
The aroma of spruce resin is slightly different than spruce essential oil.
The aroma of the resin is slightly spicy, while it’s essential oil has a more piney scent.
Spruce resin can be used in incense or other aromatics to give them that spiciness for which it’s known and loved by people all over the world.
Family: Pinaceae
Synonyms: spruce resin, pitch
Origin: North America, Central Europe
Parts Used: resin
Aroma Description: strong forest-like fragrance, balsamic, fresh, slight fruity undertone
Cosmetic Uses: none known
Culinary Uses: none known
Medicinal Attributes: antibacterial, used for muscular stiffness and rheumatism, as a decongestant, etc.
Essential Oil: Yes, steam distilled essential oil is available
Mixes Well With: benzoin, cedar, galbanum, juniper, lavender, oakmoss, pine, pine needles, rosemary, white sage, desert sage, sandarac, etc.
Products & Learning
Burgundy Pitch Resin
Seeking sources
Burgundy Pitch Essential Oils
from Mountain Rose Herbs
Japense Incense
Baiedo, Shoyeido, and Others
Learn Aromatherapy
from JennScents Aromaversity