Red Sandalwood
Pterocarpus santalinus
Aromatic Note: Base note
In the incense trade, this tropical tree is valued for its purple-red wood, which is used as a base material for making incense sticks, cones and molds as well as a coloring agent for adding to blends.
Family: Papilionaceae
Synonyms: sap is sometimes called “kino”
Origin: throughout the tropics
Parts Used: wood, bark
Aroma Description: mellow, woody aroma
Cosmetic Uses: none known; perhaps used as a coloring agent for creams, etc.
Culinary Uses: used as a coloring agent in canned food products, spice mixtures, sauces, etc.
Medicinal Attributes: anti-diabetic properties, also used as a coloring agent in medicines
Essential Oil: none
Mixes Well With: can be used as a base material for virtually any incense recipe
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